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Despacho 4150/2021, de 23 de Abril



Nota de adesão da Finlândia ao Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Republic of Portugal and Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe and Headquarters Supreme Allied Commander Transformation regarding the Provision of Host Nation Support for the Execution of NATO Operations/Exercises

Texto do documento

Despacho 4150/2021

Sumário: Nota de adesão da Finlândia ao Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Republic of Portugal and Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe and Headquarters Supreme Allied Commander Transformation regarding the Provision of Host Nation Support for the Execution of NATO Operations/Exercises.

Considerando o empenhamento de forças em operações e exercícios em prol da cooperação militar e da manutenção da paz, no âmbito da Organização do Tratado Atlântico Norte (OTAN).

Considerando a celebração do Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Republic of Portugal and Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe and Headquarters Supreme Allied Commander Transformation regarding the Provision of Host Nation Support for the Execution of NATO Operations/Exercises, de 16 de agosto de 2005.

Têm vindo, os Estados Participantes, a desenvolver uma maior cooperação logística com a OTAN, o que se refletiu na manifestação, pela Finlândia, da intenção em aderir, mediante Note of Acession ao Memoradum of Understanding between the Government of the Republic of Portugal and Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe and Headquarters Supreme Allied Commander Transformation regarding the Provision of Host Nation Support for the Execution of NATO Operations/Exercises.

Assim, atento o anteriormente exposto, manifesto consentimento à adesão da Finlândia através de Note of Acession ao Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Republic of Portugal and Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe and Headquarters Supreme Allied Commander Transformation regarding the Provision of Host Nation Support for the Execution of NATO Operations/Exercises, nos termos do parágrafo 5.3. da Section Five do referido Memorando.

12 de abril de 2021. - O Ministro da Defesa Nacional, João Titterington Gomes Cravinho.



  • Extracto do Diário da República original: .


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