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Aviso , de 13 de Maio



Torna público que o Conselho Misto da Associação Finlândia-EFTA adoptou, na 25.ª Reunião Simultânea, a Decisão n.º 8, de 1979, relativa à introdução ou aumento de direitos para produtos destinados às indústrias novas

Texto do documento


Por ordem superior se torna público que o Conselho Misto da Associação Finlândia-EFTA adoptou, na 25.ª Reunião Simultânea, em 13 de Dezembro de 1979, a Decisão n.º 8, de 1979, relativa à introdução ou aumento de direitos para produtos destinados às indústrias novas, cujo texto em inglês e respectiva tradução para português acompanham o presente aviso.

Direcção-Geral dos Negócios Económicos, 24 de Abril de 1980. - O Adjunto do Director-Geral, Francisco Moita.

Decision of the Joint Council No. 8, of 1979

(Adopted at the 25th Simultaneous Meeting, on 13th December 1979)

Introduction or increase of portuguese import duties on infant industry products

The Joint Council:

Having regard to paragraph 6 of Article 6 of the Agreement;


Decision of the Council No. 11, of 1979 (ver nota *), shall be binding also on Finland and apply in relations between Finland and the other Parties to the Agreement.

(nota *) The text of Council Dicision No. 11, of 1979, is attached at annex.

Decisão do Conselho Misto n.º 8, de 1979

(Adoptada na 25.ª Reunião Simultânea, em 13 de Dezembro de 1979)

Introdução ou aumento de direitos para produtos destinados às indústrias novas

O Conselho Misto:

Tendo em consideração o parágrafo 6 do artigo 6 do Acordo;


A Decisão do Conselho n.º 11, de 1979 (ver nota *), é obrigatória também para a Finlândia e aplica-se nas relações entre a Finlândia e as outras Partes do Acordo.

(nota *) O texto da Decisão do Conselho n.º 11, de 1979, encontra-se em anexo.

Decision of the Council No. 11, of 1979

(Adopted at the 25th Simultaneous Meeting, on 13th December 1979)

Introduction or increase of portuguese import duties on infant industry products

The Council:

Having regard to the request of Portugal for the introduction or increase of import duties on certain products not produced in significant quantities in Portugal (EFTA 12/79);

Desiring to assist the further development of Portuguese industry and thus strengthen the Portuguese economy;

Having regard to paragraphs 6 and 6-bis of Annex G to the Convention;


1 - Notwithstanding the time-limit set out in paragraph 6, a), of Annex G to the Convention, Portugal is authorized under the conditions set out below to apply on the products specified at Annex an ad valorem duty not exceeding 20 per cent.

2 - Regarding products of headings ex 29.08, ex 32.09 and ex 35.06 Portugal may make use of this authorization only if it is necessary to prevent excessive imports of such products caused by the new ad valorem duty on products of heading ex 39.01.

3 - When making use of this authorization Portugal shall maintain to an adequate extent the diferences existing at present between duties applied by Portugal under the Convention and under the most-favoured-nation clause of GATT and shall accord to products imported from another Member State treatment which is at least as favourable as the treatment accorded to like products imported under the most-favoured-nation clause or under a free trade agreement or any other trade agreement concluded by Portugal.

4 - The duties may be applied from 1st January 1980 on a product the production of which has begun before that date and on other products not earlier than thirty days before the date on which the production is scheduled to commence.

5 - Before making use of this authorization in respect of a particular product, Portugal shall notify the Council of the exact level of the duty to be applied, the date from which the duty will be applied and, in respect of a product the production of which has not begun before 1st January 1980, of the date on which the production is scheduled to commence.

6 - On and after each of the following dates Portugal may not apply an import duty on any product listed in the Annex to this Decision which exceeds the percentage, specified below against each date, of the ad valorem duty authorized under paragraph 1:

1st January 1981 - 95 per cent;

1st January 1982 - 90 per cent;

1st January 1983 - 50 per cent.

After 31st December 1984 Portugal may not apply an import duty on any such product.

7 - Portugal may not without prior consent of the Council make use of this authorization in respect of a product which is subject to a surcharge or any other measure restricting imports.

List of products for which Portugal is authorized to introduce or increase customs duties

(ver documento original)


  • Extracto do Diário da República original: .


NOTA IMPORTANTE - a consulta deste documento não substitui a leitura do Diário da República correspondente. Não nos responsabilizamos por quaisquer incorrecções produzidas na transcrição do original para este formato.

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