Direcção-Geral dos Negócios Económicos, 10 de Maio de 1977. - O Director-Geral-Adjunto, Paulo Manuel Lage David Ennes.
Lisboa, 15 de Abril de 1977.
Excelência, Tenho a honra de me referir ao Acordo Relativo a Vendas de Produtos Agrícolas, ao abrigo da PL 480, título I, assinado por representantes dos dois Governos em 22 de Outubro de 1976, e de propor a V. Ex.ª que aquele Acordo seja emendado como segue:
In part II, item V, «Self-Help Measure», paragraph B:
1) Delete Self-Help Measure Number 1 and insert the following:
1. Construct bulk grain handling facilities at an appropriate deep water port and continue construction of inland grain handling facilities.
2) Insert a new Self-Help Measure Number 2 as follows:
2. Construct wholesale fruit and vegetable markets near population centers as marketing aid to small growers and distribution aid to all consumers including the lowest income sectors of the urban population.
3) Renumber the Self-Help Measures currently numbered 2, 3, 4, 5 to read 3, 4, 5 and 6, respectively.
4) Delete Self-Help Measure Number 6, currently contained in the agreement.
5) Insert a new Self-Help Measure Number 7 as follows:
7. Develop the fishing fleet.
6) Insert a new Self-Help Measure Number 8 as follows:
8. Create a special line of credit for farmers, private entrepreneurs, and privately-organized cooperatives to finance medium and long-term investments in production processing, and marketing facilities, with special emphasis on the development of the crop and cattle production.
In part II, item VI «Economic development purposes for which proceeds accruing to importing country are to be used», in paragraph A, insert the phrase «To the extent possible» after the comma following the words «major regional subdivisions» and before the words «approximately in proportion to».
Todas as demais cláusulas e condições do título I do Acordo de 22 de Outubro de 1976 manter-se-ão inalteradas.
Tenho a honra de propor que esta Nota e a resposta de V. Ex.ª em conformidade constituam um acordo entre os nossos dois Governos a entrar em vigor na data da Nota de resposta de V. Ex.ª Queira aceitar, Excelência, os protestos da minha mais elevada consideração.
S. Ex.ª Frank C. Carlucci, Embaixador dos Estados Unidos da América, Embaixada dos EUA, Lisboa.
Lisbon, April 26, 1977.
I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your note of April 15, 1977, the text of which is as follows:
Tenho a honra de me referir ao Acordo Relativo a Vendas de Produtos Agrícolas, ao abrigo da PL 480, título I, assinado por representantes dos dois Governos em 22 de Outubro de 1976, e do propor a V. Ex.ª que aquele Acordo seja emendado como segue:
In part II, item V, Self-Help Measures, paragraph B:
1) Delete Self-Help Measure Number 1 and insert the following:
1. Construct bulk grain handling facilities at an appropriate deep water port and continue construction of inland grain handling facilities.
2) Insert a new Self-Help Measure Number 2 as follows:
2. Construct wholesale fruit and vegetable markets near population centers as marketing aid to small growers and distribution aid to all consumers including the lowest income sectors of the urban population.
3) Renumber the Self-Help Measures currently numbered 2, 3, 4, 5 to read 3, 4, 5 and 6, respectively.
4) Delete Self-Help Measure Number 6, currently contained in the agreement.
5) Insert a new Self-Help Measure Number 7 as follows:
7. Develop the fishing fleet.
6) Insert a new Self-Help Measure Number 8 as follows:
8. Create a special line of credit for farmers, private entrepreneurs, and privately-organized cooperatives to finance medium and long-term investments in production, processing, and marketing facilities, with special emphasis on the development of the crop and cattle production.
In part II, item VI «Economic development purposes for which proceeds accruing to importing country are to be used», in paragraph A, insert the phrase «To the extent possible» after the comma following the words «major regional subdivisions» and before the words «approximately in proportion to».
Todas as demais cláusulas e condições do título I do Acordo de 22 de Outubro de 1976 manter-se-ão inalteradas.
Tenho a honra de propor que esta Nota e a resposta de V. Ex.ª em conformidade constituam um acordo entre os nossos dois Governos a entrar em vigor na data da Nota de resposta de V. Ex.ª I confirm that the Government of the United States of America agrees to the proposal set forth in your note and that Your Excellency's note and this reply constitute an agreement between our Governments.
Accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.
His Excellency Dr. José Medeiros Ferreira, Minister of Foreing Affairs of the Republic of Portugal, Lisbon.