Por ordem superior se torna público que, por troca de notas, cujos textos acompanham o presente aviso, foi emendado o Acordo entre o Governo da República Portuguesa e o Governo dos Estados Unidos da América Relativo a Vendas do Produtos Agrícolas, ao abrigo do programa do título I da P. L. 480, publicado no Diário da República, em 26 de Agosto de 1978.
Direcção-Geral dos Negócios Económicos, 28 de Setembro de 1978. - O Director-Geral-Adjunto, Carlos Alberto Soares Simões Coelho.
Lisboa, 31 de Agosto de 1978.
Sr. Encarregado de Negócios:
Tenho a honra de acusar a recepção da nota de V. Ex.ª de ontem, do seguinte teor:
I have the honour to refer to the Public Law 480, title I, Agricultural Sales Agreement, which was signed by representatives of our two governments on August 4, 1978, and I propose that the agreement be amended as follows:
In part II, Particular provisions, item I, under the column headed «Supply period (United States fiscal year)», change the entries for wheat/wheat flour and rice to read «1978 plus October 1 through 31, 1978».
All other terms and conditions of the August 4, 1978, title I, P. L. 480, agreement remain unchanged.
If the foregoing change is acceptable to your government, I propose that this note and your reply concurring therein constitute agreement between our two governments effective the date of your reply.
Em resposta, tenho a honra de informar que o Governo Português dá a sua concordância à proposta de V. Ex.ª, constituindo a nota de V. Ex.ª em referência e a presente nota um acordo entre os nossos dois Governos.
Queira aceitar, Sr. Encarregado de Negócios, os protestos da minha maior consideração.
Carlos Correia Gago.
Sr. Eduard Rowell, Encarregado de Negócios dos EUA.
Lisbon, August 30, 1978.
I have the honour to refer to the Public Law 480, title I, Agricultural Sales Agreement, which was signed by representatives of our two governments on August 4, 1978, and I propose that the agreement be amended as follows:
In part II, Particular provisions, item I, under the column headed «Supply period (United States fiscal year)», change the entries for wheat/wheat flour and rice to read «1978 plus October 1 through 31, 1978».
All other terms and conditions of the August 4, 1978, title I, PL 480, agreement remain unchanged.
If the foregoing change is acceptable to your government, I propose that this note and your reply concurring therein constitute agreement between our two governments effective the date of your reply.
Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.
Eduard Rowell, Chargé d'Affairs.
Eng. Carlos Correia Gago, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Portugal.