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Resolução da Assembleia da República 27/92, de 13 de Agosto




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Resolução da Assembleia da República n.º 27/92
Aprova o Acordo, por troca de notas, entre a República Portuguesa e o Reino Unido Relativo à Supressão de Vistos entre Portugal e o Território das Bermudas.

A Assembleia da República resolve, nos termos dos artigos 164.º, alínea j), e 169.º, n.º 5, da Constituição, aprovar o Acordo, por troca de notas, entre a República Portuguesa e o Reino Unido Relativo à Supressão de Vistos entre Portugal e o Território das Bermudas, assinado em Londres em 19 de Março de 1991, cuja versão inglesa e portuguesa seguem em anexo.

Aprovada em 2 de Abril de 1992.
O Presidente da Assembleia da República, António Moreira Barbosa de Melo.

The Portuguese Embassy presents its compliments to the Southern European Department of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and has the honour to enclose the text of the Visa Abolition Agreement between Portugal and Bermuda to be exchanged between Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and His Excellency the Ambassador of Portugal.

The Portuguese Embassy avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Southern European Department of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office the assurance of its highest consideration.

London, 19th March 1991.

Londres, 19 de Março de 1991.
Tenho a honra de comunicar a V. Ex.ª que, tendo em vista o interesse de facilitar as deslocações entre Portugal e o território das Bermudas, o Governo Português está disposto a concluir com o Governo de Sua Majestade Britânica um Acordo de dispensa de vistos nos seguintes termos:

1 - Os cidadãos portugueses munidos de passaporte português válido poderão, ressalvadas as disposições do parágrafo 4, entrar livremente em território das Bermudas para permanência temporária, em viagens de trânsito, negócios ou turismo, sem necessidade de visto.

2 - Os titulares de passaporte britânico em que o estatuto nacional dos respectivos portadores é descrito como «British Dependent Territory Citizen (Bermudas)» poderão, ressalvadas as disposições do parágrafo 4, entrar livremente em território português para permanência temporária, em viagens de trânsito, negócios ou turismo, sem necessidade de visto.

3 - Por permanência temporária entende-se uma permanência por período não superior a 90 dias, que poderá ser prorrogada pelas autoridades competentes.

4 - As autoridades competentes de Portugal e das Bermudas reservam-se o direito de recusar a entrada ou estadia nos respectivos territórios de pessoas que considerem indesejáveis ou que não satisfaçam as normas gerais relativas à entrada de estrangeiros nos respectivos territórios.

5 - Qualquer dos Governos pode suspender temporariamente o presente Acordo por motivos de ordem pública ou de segurança nacional, devendo tal suspensão ser imediatamente comunicada ao outro Governo por via diplomática.

6 - Se o Governo de Sua Majestade Britânica estiver de acordo com o que antecede, tenho a honra de propor que a presente nota e a nota da resposta de V. Ex.ª constituam um Acordo entre os nossos dois Governos, o qual entrará em vigor logo que ambas as Partes tiverem informado, por via diplomática, que se encontram concluídas as formalidades constitucionais necessárias para esse efeito.

António Vaz Pereira, Embaixador de Portugal.

19th March 1991.
The Ambassador of Portugal in London to the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs:

I have the honour to inform you that, taking into account the interest to facilitate travelling between Portugal and Bermuda, the Portuguese Government proposes to Her Majesty's Government a Visa Abolition Agreement in the following terms:

1 - Except as provided in paragraph 4, Portuguese citizens with a valid Portuguese passport will be able to enter freely in Bermuda Territory for a temporary stay, in transit, business or tourism, without requiring a visa.

2 - Except as provided in paragraph 4, those persons holding a British passport in which the status of the bearer is described as British Dependent Territory Citizen (Bermuda) will be able to enter freely in Portuguese territory for a temporary stay, in transit, business or tourism, without requiring a visa.

3 - By temporary stay is understood a stay of no longer than 90 days which can be extended by the relevant authorities.

4 - The Portuguese and Bermudian relevant authorities reserve the right to refuse entry or stay in their respective territories of persons they may consider undesirable or that do not comply with general rules regarding the entry of foreigners in their respective territories.

5 - Either of the Governments can temporarily suspend the present Agreement for reasons of public order or national security. That suspension should be communicated immediately to the other Government by diplomatic channels.

6 - If Her Majesty's Government agrees with the above, I have the honour to propose that this note and your reply to that effect shall constitute an Agreement between our two Governments which shall enter into force as soon as both Parties have informed by diplomatic channels that the necessary constitutional formalities have been finalised.

I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to you, Sir, the assurance of my highest consideration.

António Vaz Pereira, Ambassador of Portugal.

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office presents its compliments to the Portuguese Embassy and has the honour to refer to their note number 17, of 19 March, which reads as follows:

The Portuguese Embassy presents its compliments to the Southern European Department of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and has the honour to enclose the text of the Visa Abolition Agreement between Portugal and Bermuda to be exchanged between Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and His Excellency the Ambassador of Portugal.

The Portuguese Embassy avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Southern European Department of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office the assurance of its highest consideration.

London, 19th March 1991.

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office has the honour to inform the Portuguese Embassy that the foregoing proposals are acceptable to the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland who therefore agree that your note, together with the present reply, shall constitute an Agreement between the two Governments in this matter, which shall enter into force on the date of the latter of the notes by which each Government informs the other of the completion of the constitutional formalities necessary for this purpose. The Bermudian authorities have confirmed that the necessary formalities will be completed on Friday 26 April 1991.

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Portuguese Embassy the assurance of its highest consideration.

West Indian & Atlantic Department Foreign & Commonwealth Office.
17 April 1991.


  • Extracto do Diário da República original: .


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